The first light rail in Israel
The Green Line
The Green Line
The Green Line is expected to be the second line to be inaugurated in Jerusalem, as part of the city’s J-Net network. The network will connect various points of interest: both Hebrew University campuses, three major hospitals, several of the city’s largest neighborhoods as well as other sites such as the Government Precinct, the zoo, Malcha Mall, and the sports stadium.
Planning Status
The plan has been approved and validated by the planning bodies.
Implementation Status
The tender to select a new vendor is currently ongoing; the works to relocate the infrastructures for the line have begun in many segments and by the end of 2019, the entire line will be in the infrastructure relocation stage.
מקטעי עבודה
The Rail in Numbers
Average speed km/h
Passengers per train
Active trains
Passengers per day
Seats per car
Frequency (in minutes)
Length of railway